Tuesday 26 April 2011

You've got mail!

I love the cliched saying that "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. " For Stephen and I that step was an email, sent to us both on the same day.

Although I cannot remember the date or the time of day I will always remember how it all began. A friend of mine emailed me one day, to introduce me to a friend of hers. She simply stated that she thought we were so much alike. It was unlike her to do that but then again, she is so unpredictable who knows.

I decided to send her friend a quick note. I told him simply, " you do not know me but I am a friend of A and she sent me your email. I am just sending you a hello." I did not think anything of it and I never knew that by my simple act of reaching out to a friend of a friend, in simple erica fashion, would shape the rest of my life.

This although may not seem really romantic, or mysterious, or this grand story of love, but this is the long and short of how I met Stephen D. Allen. Since cupid sent her email Stephen and I started an amazing journey of love, friendship and so much more.

This blog EASMARRIED is in tribute to the journey of one man and one woman who fought, time, space, and all odds to be together. Although the journey has been a long one, it is far from over as I have realized, We have only Just begun.

You've got mail!

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